How Naviguard can help reduce your balance medical bill

Naviguard® was created to help reduce the amount you may owe for medical care from out-of-network providers. Our experts will review your case to determine if the provider billed you fairly.

If you were billed too much, our negotiators may contact the provider on your behalf to try to agree on a lower amount. Naviguard does all the negotiating and will keep you updated throughout the process.

For example, Naviguard can negotiate excessive charges from specialists, X-rays, lab services and other common out-of-network care situations. You don't need to do anything except complete the steps below to get started.


Here’s what to expect when working with Naviguard

Thank you for calling UnitedHealthcare to activate Naviguard services.
We’re ready to begin next steps in the balance bill resolution process:

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Create a secure, online account

The Naviguard team will send you an email with the subject line of Welcome to Naviguard! Follow the instructions to create a secure online account. After creating your account, a Naviguard Advisor will contact you. If you don’t hear from an advisor within 3 business days after creating your account, please contact us.

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Tell us about your experience with your provider

After you create your secure online account, fill out the Tell us your experience questionnaire to help us understand your situation and how we can assist you.

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Upload your bill

Upload your bill from the provider. The bill will show the amount you’re being asked to pay for the service you received. In addition to the amount owed, the bill will have a patient account number, due date, and include the provider address. We need all this information to properly review your bill.

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Case review

After you provide the information requested in steps 2 and 3 above, a dedicated advisor will review your case with the negotiation team and provide updates on possible next steps. Once the negotiation process has started, your advisor will keep you updated on the status of the case with information from the negotiator.

You can view updates about your case at any time. Please follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit our website
  2. Enter your HealthsafeID (HSID) and password to sign-in
  3. Once signed-in, navigate to the main menu and select Messages Center
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Review the results

On average, the negotiation process takes about 30-45 days, depending on how responsive the provider is. As soon as the case has been resolved, your advisor will contact you with details of the outcome and guidance on what to do next.



Learn more about Naviguard and how we will help you with your out-of-network bill here.

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